Car Painting in the Booth
Car painting is an important stage in body repair work. Professional painting always requires the use of a paint booth. In such a booth, both partial and full car painting can be performed.
Advantages of car painting in a special booth:
- 📍Maintaining the required temperature (to properly apply the base coat and clear protective lacquer);
- 📍No dust;
- 📍Drying (thanks to heating the body or air in the booth, the drying time is significantly reduced);
- 📍Safety;
- 📍Required humidity level (optimal 40-50%, as a large amount of water evaporates during drying, and the humidity level increases, which is incompatible with most paints. This issue does not occur in the paint booth);
- 📍Good lighting (fluorescent lamps, which prevent the formation of shadows).
Trust your car to the best professionals and choose booth painting!
**Our service center uses the Firat Ultra booth.